The PLC internal register application - when power supply drop Applications - embedded design
when we design the PLC control system of small, often need to change in the external PLC internal Data, such as Counter, TImer or the value of the Data, so as to adapt to the needs of the production process. System after shutdown and requirements, these data can also be stored in the PLC, the next time after startup, these data can be paged out.
now many small PLC are all more or less provides the power to keep the register, so that at the time of PLC power, save the user want to save the data. But in most cases, the PLC manufacturers to cut the costs and could not provide sufficient number of useing keep registers for the use of system design personnel, so when data items to be adjusted PLC internal power to keep the number of registers, we have to reduce the data items were adjusted, Fixed or not) Or buy has more power to keep the register number of PLC, in this way, makes the production machinery lack of flexibility and adaptability, thus reducing product class or increase the cost.
the following will introduce a way to settle this problem, so all the design reference. Used PLC:
panasonic FP0 - C16T, be adjusted data has 16, PLC internal power to keep the register number to 10, with eight data register ( DT1652 - DT1659:8 each 16 bit) And the internal relay (2 words WR61, WR62: two 16 bit) 。 If a conventional be adjusted data takes up a data register, this obviously can't regulate 16 has been adjusted data, and can only be adjusted 10 be adjusted data. For this, I specifically analyzed 16 has been adjusted the adjusting range of data, found that most data adjusting range from 0 to 255, 0 ~ 28 - namely 1; And power to keep data register DT1652 of internal data size is 216 - 1, namely 256 & TImes; 256 - 1; So we can adjust a data only to the data register low 8 bits, then the high 8-bit data register can another be adjusted to store data.
are listed below that part of the program:
( 1) Boot, separated off electricity to keep high 8-bit registers and low 8 bits to the other two data register:
the R9013 is panasonic FP0 series PLC of the internal regulations, in the state of the PLC from the state of the program to run only action of a PLC scan cycle pulse relay. Instructions F65 is a word with, its role is to keep off the electric data register data in DT1655 and hexadecimal number with FF in word, and then send the results to general data register DT0, so you can isolate off electricity to keep low 8 bits of data in a data register DT1655; The second line words with same instruction can separate the power to keep data registers DT1655 within high 8 bits of data.
F120 instruction is a without carry moves to the right instructions, i. e. , moves to the right of data word, zero padding on high. K8 said eight moves to the right. Instructions F0 is transmitted a word, it is the data transfer within the general data registers DT10 to general data register DT1. The purpose of the procedures section is to boot to keep off the electric data register DT1655 data is divided into two be adjusted within the data.
( 2) Boot after, will the other two data register data to consolidate power to maintain low register high eight and eight:
R9014 is panasonic FP0 series PLC controller of the internal regulations, the PLC from the state of the program to run state, the second movement of pulse relay PLC scan cycle. Instruction F121 is a not to take carry left instructions, K8 left eight. Instructions F66 is a word or, the data within the general data registers DT20 with general data register DT0 or data in word, the results give away DT1655 electricity keep register. By on as you can see, at the time of PLC operation, can be arbitrary change in general data registers DT0 and DT1 data, and these changes to the power at the same time maintain a register DT1655, so, when the PLC controller power is adjusted by the data would be saved.
by the same method, we can inspect by adjusting the size of the data, the use of flexible off electricity maintains every Bit of the register, so that we under the condition of without any increase in costs, improve the performance of small PLC control system.
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