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The PLC input and output points to introduce the letter - Industrial control -

by:Coolmay     2020-08-16
Abroad, Siemens PLC of the average price of each I/O point as high as dozens of yuan, domestic and Siemens PLC is fully compatible with the more letter module was slightly lower in price. For Mr PLC users, the letter in the pursuit of good cost performance at the same time, to reduce the required I/O points, in the aspect of the system hardware cost is reduced greatly, why not do it. Ways to reduce the required input points


at the PLC output function allows the letter, under the condition of on-off/state exactly the same multiple load in parallel, can share an output point, through external or the PLC control switch of the switch, the letter a dots can control two or more different work load. Cooperate with external components of electric shock, you can use an output point control two or more load with different requirements. With an output control light is normally on or flashing, can display two different information.

as shown in figure:

to load driven by the indicator shows the more PLC ( For example, contactor coil) The state, indicator light and load may be connected in parallel, the parallel light and load rated voltage should be the same, the total current should not exceed allowable values. Can use current small, reliable operation of the LED ( Light emitting diode) Indicator light. Can be done with the contactor auxiliary contact OYES hardware of PLC external chain. Some relatively independent of the system, or the simple part, can only use a OYES PLC, using relay circuit to control, it can also reduce the input and output points of PLC controller.

technology zone of our country industry the development of the Internet far lags behind foreign industrial Internet platform to evaluate what are the methods of PLC ladder diagram compared with relay contactor control circuit of PLC controller programming, analog calculation, the calculation method of pulse quantity summary how to promote China's 4 2025 with Germany's industry. 0 strategic cooperation
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