The era of the sensor
Sensors are widely used in various fields of social development and human life, such as industrial automation, agricultural modernization, space technology, military engineering, robotics, resource development, Marine exploration, medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, security, transportation, household appliances, etc.
The arrival of the new technology revolution, the world begin to enter the information age.
In the process of the use of information, the first thing to solve is to obtain accurate and reliable information, the sensor is access to natural and production information in the field of the main ways and means.
Sensor's features include: miniaturization, digital, intelligent, multi-functional, systematic and network, it not only promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, but also possible to establish a new industry, becoming the new economic growth point in the 21st century.
Miniaturization is built on a microelectronic mechanical system (
, on the basis of technology has been successfully used on the silicon devices made of silicon pressure sensor.
Sensor technology is important in the economic development, promoting social progress, it is very obvious.
All countries in the world attach great importance to the development of this field.
Believe in the near future, sensor technology will be a leap, reached new levels commensurate with its important status.