The automatic tool post test system based on PLC
Automatic tool post test system based on PLC newmaker welcome to e hall hall 2 lathe showroom/CNC lathe numerical control lathe, ordinary lathe, vertical lathe, horizontal lathe, turning center,.
1 introduction of automatic tool post for automatic tool change function, is the key to the numerical control lathe parts.
Each tool post for thousands of times of operation reliability test to the factory.
In order to improve the production efficiency, puts forward PLC to realize automatic tool post routine test system project, the project can be the c616 - at the same time
C620 type nc machine tool more transfer of vertical, horizontal tool post to do an experiment.
2 principle of PLC automatic tool post test system design project requirements, to complete a up to Taiwan, four points, eight or twelve location of vertical, horizontal tool post cycle reliability in running test.
Which kind of tool post 1 working principle of the automatic tool rest either, its working principle is basically consistent.
Rest electric motor, the motor forward, head up, positive transfer (
Knife disc lordosis, positive inversion: horizontal tool post)
Function, and transferred to the required tool (
By the probe test)
Inversion, motor, rest after rotated knife sets down lock (
Knife plate back lock: horizontal tool post)
Function, after the lock lock switch, electrical power, thus tool post a tool change movement cycle is over.
2 automatic tool carrier electric control principle in four station automatic tool carrier for example, automatic tool rest electrical schematic diagram is shown in figure 1.
According to the structure of the electrical schematic diagram and tool rest probe in the tool post, can analysis, tool post probe tool detection is equivalent to a one knife four band switch, switch blade control circuit is composed of k1, k2 and tool rest probe, k1 detecting head is rotated, k2 and probe knife respectively with t0 ~ t3 four signals in parallel, to distinguish whether head spin in place after the detection and signal knife number consistent.
Number four diode in parallel to distinguish different knife useful the same relay k2 testing purpose.
Rest motor sequence controller controlled by k2 contact connected, km1 is a desperation to motor, at the same time km1 normally open contact closure, k3 electricity, k3 normally open contact closure, ensure continuation of closed during motor and reversing, once the k2 disconnect, order into km2 coil to closed circuit, motor reversal, rest after locking blackouts, head movement to put an end to it.
3 PLC electrical control system design in a test system as the control object is four points, eight or twelve location tool post, first step pulse generated by the PLC, provide four points, eight or twelve location tool signal;
According to the working principle of tool holder and tool carriage tool detection circuit and motor of sequence control relay circuit.
PLC instead of relay control circuit, PLC automatic tool post test system.
This system in four station automatic tool carrier for example, eight points, twelve location according to the four location system increase step by step pulse signal and tool detection circuit.
1 production step by step by step pulse generator of the pulse signal waveform is shown in figure 2.
The width of the pulse signal can be set according to the tool post a tool change cycle, because the c616 -
C620 CNC lathe cutter replacement cycle for a 3.
5 s, the width of the pulse signal in this system set to 5 s.
2 step by step pulse generator programming design 3 for the progressive ladder diagram of pulse generator.
Habits of the relay is used to describe, when the input relay x0 closed, the output relay mo, m1, m2, and m3 in order to produce the pulse signal;
When x0 disconnect, all output reduction.
Working process is as follows: (
Timing starts when the x0, timer t0, m0 pulse at the same time, time to time, t0 open normally closed contact, m0 coil power;
Timing starts m0 normally open contact closure, m1, m1 output pulse at the same time.
T1 time to time, open normally closed contact, m1 power;
Normally open contact closure at the same time, the t2 start time, at the same time the output pulse of the m2.
T2 time to time, normally closed contacts to open, the m2 power;
Timing starts normally open contact closure at the same time, t3, and at the same time the output pulse of the m3.
T3 to timing time, m3 output disconnect.
Then start to produce order pulse, is advances the working mechanism of pulse generator.
For the output pulse width of 5 s, mitsubishi fx2n micro programmable controller, timer t0 ~ t199 clock pulse is 100 ms, must to accumulate to 50 times timer.
3 PLC experiment system (
Tool change control ladder diagram: step by step pulse signal m0 ~ m3 on knife a detection circuit port and rest, probe the knife level in form or in relation to the knife control detection, and motor sequence control circuit into a PLC ladder diagram as shown in figure 4.
PLC ladder diagram test systems: the progressive ladder diagram and pulse generator tool change control ladder diagram concatenated, constitute a PLC ladder diagram of the automatic tool post test system.
4 PLC electrical control diagram design tool change step by step pulse signals generated by PLC controller as the internal relay or auxiliary relay, do not take up the input and output contacts, for four location tool post PLC external connection as shown in figure 5.
4 conclusion choose input 24 micro programmable controller of PLC, can at the same time of four 4 Labour do test tool post, replace with 555 time base unit single tool post test instrument for signal source.
Can greatly improve the efficiency of production, improve product reliability, improve enterprise economic benefits, this is the purpose of design PLC automatic tool post test system.
Shenzhen Coolmay Technology Co., Ltd. is a gaint manufacturer of plc manufacturers, which is one of the most outstanding product produced from us.
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Shenzhen Coolmay Technology Co., Ltd. is a gaint manufacturer of plc manufacturers, which is one of the most outstanding product produced from us.
Looking for a company to handle your plc manufacturers programmable control systems? Visit Coolmay PLC today for more information.
Through our distribution and marketing competencies, Shenzhen Coolmay Technology Co., Ltd. provides creative, customized, solutions for our customers. As a result, we achieve superior profit growth as the plc manufacturers company of choice.