The application of PLC in the production line transfer car control system
Application of controller in the control system of the production line transfer car newmaker welcome to e exhibition hall 1 forklift/storage machinery exhibition hall, forklift, stacker, oil drums/pallet truck, stacking feeding machinery, tray,.
1 the introduction on the automatic production line, between the items in each process commonly used rail car to transport.
Is usually driven by electric motor car, motor is turned the car forward, motor reverse the car back.
2 control requirements to control the car running requirements for: car from in situ to 1 a, immediately after arriving back in situ;
Then embarks from the in situ a directly toward the no. 2, after arrival and return immediately in situ;
Third is starting from a in situ, directly to the 3, still return immediately after arrival in situ, as shown in figure 1: as required by work, will the above three times running as a cycle, each car can stop some time during the week.
Can also do not need to pause and repeat the process until the stop button.
3 selection of and I/o wiring diagram according to the control requirements, the input system are: the opening and stop button signal;
1, 2, 3 a limit switch signal;
Continuous operation switch signals and in situ point limit switch.
Output signals are: operation instructions and in situ point indicates the output signal;
Forward and backward contactor control motor drive signal.
Output points total actual input 7 points, 4.
F - use Japan mitsubishi company
20 m products, its input points to 12, output points 8.
The car driving control system plci/o wiring diagram is shown in figure 2:4 control program design of the car running control process is as follows: (
The car in the in situ pressure limit switch in-situ sqo, x401 through to y430, in situ indicator.
The car driving to 1 to return to the in situ press the launch button sb1, y431 x400 contacts connected and self-locking, run indicator and keep the whole operation process.
Meanwhile y431 normally open contacts through data input end of the shift register, in m100 approximately 1 (
The normally closed contact disconnect, normally open contact closure)
, m100 approximately and x402 contact through y432 coil, forward contactor km2 to suck, motor is turned, the car to 1.
When the car arrived at 1, limit switch sq1, x402 normally closed off contact y432 coil, km3 lose electric release, motor stalling, the car to a halt.
Meanwhile x402 through to shift the input shift register cp side, move the '1' in m100 approximately to m101, m101 normally closed contacts disconnect, m100 approximately '0', and m101 normally open contact closure, y433 connected, contactor km4 to suck, motor reversal, the car back, back in place.
The car driving to the 2 returned to in situ in situ limit switch when the car hit the sqo, x401 disconnect y433 coil pathway, km4 lose electric release, motor stalling, the car stopped.
X401 m101 through to shift the input channel, m102 through y432 coil, the car to no. 2.
When the car arrived at 1 again, although sq1 action, x402 action, but because m102 and x402 y432 connect, m100 approximately as a '0', so does not affect the car continue to 2 a.
Until the car hit a limit switch 2 for sq2, x403 disconnect y432, the car didn't stop.
Meanwhile, x403 m102 through to shift the input channel, will be the '1' to m103 m102, m103 as '1', the rest all is '0'.
M103 through y433 coil, the car back in place.
The car driving to the 3 back in situ met in situ limit switch when the small car after sqo, the car stopped.
M103 and x401 through to shift the input channel at the same time, m104 and x404 y432 connect, the car to the 3.
Car again after 1 and 2, but because the m100 approximately ~ m103 are '0', will not shift, m104 and still get through y432 x404, until the car hit the 3 limit switch sq3, x404 to disconnect y432 coil, the car didn't stop.
M104 and x404 through to shift the input pathway, m104 shift to m105 m405 as '1', '0' in other patients, m105 and x401 y433 connect, motor reversal, the car back to return to in situ.
Car running a cycle car running a cycle returns after the in situ pressure limit switch in-situ sqo, x401 disconnect y433 again, the car stops running.
While m105 and x401 through to shift the input pathway, m105 shift to m106 m106 as '1', the rest of the bit is '0', namely the m100 approximately ~ m105 normally open contacts are off state, at this moment if continuous operation switch s is still not closed, x405 still disconnect, then shift register not reset, m100 approximately is still to '0', then the car forward start running back and forth three times (
A cycle)
In situ after stop.
Car run continuously and to stop if you need the car after running a cycle, continue to run, continuous operation switch s is closed, x405, x401 and m106 through to reset input r, shift register, m100 approximately to buy '1', m100 approximately y432 connected with x402 again, and the car began to run the second cycle, and a cycle and a cycle to run continuously forever, until the stop button sb2, x407 off contact, y432 and disconnect y433 coil, the car will stop running immediately.
Likewise, if some accidents happen, no matter the car running in what position, just press the stop button sb2, motor stalling immediately, the car stops running.
Car trapezoidal diagram of controller control system is shown in figure 3:5 conclusion to use the transport vehicles, automatic production line is a common production equipment, it is running normally or not, a great influence on production.
The control system has advantages of simple, reliable, has the reference value.
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