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How to use electronic grouping method to improve the flexibility of electronic distribution frame -

by:Coolmay     2020-08-16

4 in industry. 0 is another name for a new modern factory environment, is composed of a dozen network controller, the continuous monitoring of the hundreds of thousands of sensor network controller input, such as switch and a detector. At the same time to send signals to the corresponding number of output devices, such as valve, solenoid valve, or motor driven.

in this design, we discuss electronic distribution frame, simplify the process of field winding connected to the controller. Then introduce a kind of electronic distribution frame flexibility to new heights of innovative solutions.

distribution frame

in figure 1. Traditional distribution frame

there are the problems with this approach. Cross the attachment, for example, is difficult to track which wire into the line, which wire is qualified, if the connection is not correct or not at all connections, error occurs. For technicians or engineers, each connection is very time consuming, debugging and testing process debugging delays, costly.

in theory, once done debugging, the system should be properly; But, if the system failed to foresee the fault will create additional problems. Occasionally add new field devices is inevitable. For example, if will be a temperature switch to temperature transmitter, you need to change the digital input to the analog input.

what's worse, if the system to add new field device, but there is no support for the new wiring board equipment requirements of the corresponding type of connection. In this case, you need to change controller, increase cost, project delays. Electronic distribution frame

traditional wiring board have been gradually replaced by electronic wiring board, which is a new method of signal connection (process automation field FIG. 2) 。

in figure 2. Electronic wiring rack

the development of the technology for the purpose is to prevent human error caused by the manual wiring, and I/O devices on wiring board cross together. Like wiring marshalling, technical personnel from the scene of multi-core cable connected to the wiring cabinet ( Located in the workshop) The right side of the terminal. In the I/O control room, however, no longer need to manually connect each terminal to the corresponding controller I/O channel, and by the system itself by electronic means.

the obvious advantage is that electrical wiring, without changing the physical connection, the I/O devices can be connected to a specific controller at any time according to need. If late in the project, I/O type change, or need to increase the equipment, without changing the existing wiring or wiring cabinet. In addition, can according to the need for additional I/O capacity distribution ark, then through the electronic wiring connected to the controller.

at the heart of the electrical wiring is portable host and replaceable modules or the card. Insert the corresponding type of the card slot field I/O devices need to connect. For example, the digital DI) Card is inserted into the support temperature switch socket. Then connect the board to the controller of the corresponding channel. Function of the controller channels depends on each slot board type ( Such as DI or DO) 。

new digital I/O

MAX14914 other important features include low RON ( Figure 3) And low transfer delay, in DI mode is less than 2 (including s ( Figure 4) 。 Although electronic wiring the flexibility of the obvious, but there are some inherent problems. Traditionally, industrial and process control engineers use the term 'digital IO' refers to the PLC controller to send and receive digital signals. However, the term itself is not very appropriate. PLC controller and no such things as 'digital IO' channel, there is only 'digital input channels' or 'digital output channel. So, if you need to a controller channels from DI to DO, or on the contrary, it must change the channel of the physical board. In addition, the DI and DO channel depends on the total number of host each type the number of the card. This limits the number of host DI channels and DO, limits the flexibility of electronic wiring.

in figure 3. MAX14914 on resistance and load curve

in figure 4. MAX14914 in DI mode of transmission delay

more ideally each channel can be configured according to need as DI or DO. Now, with the digital input configuration MAX14914 high side switch, can realize the above purpose. Use MAX14914, PLC will configure each interface card as DI or DO. If the function of the channel change, do not need to plug the card and reconfigure. Control channel can be a real design for 'digital IO', does not limit the number of each channel. The only restriction is able to handle the channel number of PLC itself.


in this design, we reviewed the process automation system of traditional signal connection method, namely connection marshalling. Discussed how to through the electronic marshalling methods to solve problems associated with traditional methods. Electronic marshalling method achieved considerable improvement on the surface, but is not without limitations. MAX14914 high side switch with digital input configuration, such as electronic marshalling of mobility to a new height. Electronically will configure the controller channels for digital input or output, without changing hardware and not limit can use the card type, greatly improving the design flexibility, reducing the commissioning process of the project may be caused by the change in cost.

editor: gt

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