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Based on the technology of WIFI mobile medical applications

by:Coolmay     2020-10-29

how to make use of the computer network is more effective to improve coordination of doctors, nurses and related departments, is the current hospital issue to consider. Wireless local area network ( WLAN) Completely broke the limitation of the application of in the hospital, the wireless network has the characteristics of mobile terminal, convenient access, in recent years the rapid development of wireless technology development, transfer rate have been improving, the wireless network scale deployment in a growing number of hospitals, the hospital can more effectively improve the work efficiency of doctors, nurses and managers, coordinate relevant departments to work orderly.

industrial wireless router plays an important part in medical industry is the dominance of information communication, this product has a patented technology for the robust stability of the system maintenance, to ensure that equipment online forever; Radiation protection products the whole machine adopts metal case, anti-interference, industrial-grade is used to design the hardware; System with watchdog WDT protection, loaded the system monitoring and protection of SWP ( SystemWatch保护) ; Whole products through the European CE certification, through the test in the check, by the power 3000 v electric shock testing, all wireless module has passed the certification of CGD or FCC certification and CE certification. Through strict design, testing and practical application of 13 years, product performance is stable and reliable. Products through testing the telecommunications M2M platform access, mobile M2M platform connected to the test. This product has been widely used in financial, transport, monitoring, water conservancy, environmental protection, electric power, post, meteorology, mobile Internet and telecom Internet and other industries.

wireless technology ( Industrial wireless router) In the hospital application basically has the following several aspects:

1) Wireless data

the doctor in the process of operation, often need to obtain the patient's electronic medical records at any time, and according to the specific condition of patients was under orders at any time. The application of wireless network, doctors can carry around with mobile intelligent terminals, such as tablet PC, PDA, query the patient information at any time. From the previous book trouble always carrying a lot of cases, and can be more accurate, timely and comprehensive understanding of the patient's medical history and treatment process for details. The doctor patient rounds work become simple and easy, and patients can get timely, accurate diagnosis and treatment.

2) Wireless orders

patients from hospital to get treatment takes three steps: doctor check patients after initial diagnosis issued orders, the nurse will turn advice copy to transfusion or treatment card and ready to perform, the nurse implement treatment plan. The three links of each step is very important. Due to the technology and the limitation of objective conditions, the hospital for a long time to take a variety of means have failed to effectively reduce the occurrence of medical errors.

with the development of wireless network technology and recognition technology, patients' identity, the medicine, patient information such as the implementation such as digital, each step in the process of orders can be real-time examination and confirmation by computer system, to ensure patient safety and improve medical quality, reduce medical errors play a huge role.

3) Wireless medical equipment management

medical equipment is not only to carry out the essential condition of medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, and improve the quality of medical material basis and prerequisite. General hospital medical equipment accounted for about 1/2 of hospital's fixed assets, and the economic benefits account for about two-thirds of outpatient and inpatient capital income, also is the main source of hospitals to produce medical information. Hospital medical equipment management is very important, equipment management, direct relationship between the stand or fall of economic benefits. Wireless network to provide real-time positioning technology, capable of real-time tracking the location of the hospital medical equipment, and can according to position of medical equipment utilization, and output statistics; So can greatly improve the level of medical equipment management.

4) Special patient management

special patient groups include: baby, mental patients and disabled patients, emergency patients, children, this type of group that belongs to ego management ability is bad, need to give more complete, meticulous care hospital. Combined with wi-fi technology and radio frequency identification technology, can realize real-time location information query, emergency alarm, hospital under special scope management, security, etc. , raise the level of hospital management.

5) Wireless infusion

a lot of medical accidents are due to the process went wrong, for most of the hospital, how to effectively manage especially outpatient infusion to the patient is a difficult problem. Based on the technology of WiFi wireless transfusion management system can solve such limited space in outpatient service, personnel fluidity big problem of patients injections in a complex environment. Patients all check work by the nurse in the process of infusion with scanning function handheld wireless PDA, take medicine, pharmacy, such as infusion support all processes have a professional system. Embedded in the system to automatically generate the corresponding bar code patient, medicines, and the information such as seat, make the staff be clear at a glance, effectively eliminate the hidden trouble of the previous manual operation. Truly achieve the right patient, the right drugs, the right dose, at the right time, the use of the right.

6) Wireless DaoYi

outpatient queuing, poor medical environment is the hospital are widespread problems, reduce waiting for treatment, improve the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment, avoid infection due to clinic waiting for become the urgent matter. After the deployment of wireless networks, the doctor can be equipped with tablet computer or PDA and wireless router connected to the Internet industry, will see registration or the number of patients waiting for information transmission to the front desk for triage personnel computer, convenient triage staff know each outpatient doctors to address current situation, allocate resources in a timely manner.

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